Trying to find my place in the world

Happy 90th birthday, 公公!

Those who were able to travel to Hong Kong for this momentous celebration did and it was so great to see everyone! I haven't seen everybody together since 2005 - travelled from Australia, the UK and Scotland. Still missing a few members so let's celebrate Grandpa's 100 years celebration all together! 

We had a simple dinner at Grandpa's favorite Chinese restaurant. I surprised everyone with cut out faces of Grandpa's face for a fun photo opportunity. It was the funniest thing ever - we distributed the cut outs under the table and counted to three and we all couldn't breathe while laughing and holding it up to our faces. I order the face cut outs from Shindigz and the quality is quite high for the price. Love!

In addition to Grandpa's 90th birthday, we celebrated my aunt's masters graduation from The Hong Kong University. Great milestones achieved! 

As our present to Grandpa, we all collectively worked on putting together a video montage for the past few months. We presented it to him at the end of dinner and it was such an emotional moment. He loved it -- our work here is done! :)